We tried everything: cuts by friends, cutting while asleep, major bribery (oops... positive reinforcement), sitting in my lap while I wrestled them still, etc., etc. To avoid the pain (and embarrassment) of salons, Jacob and I tried to cut their hair ourselves a couple of times. Not a good idea. (I'm still 100% willing to learn... just haven't found a teacher patient enough to teach me yet!)
Fast forward a couple of years... Yesterday I looked at my boys and realized that they were in dire need of haircuts - especially since Ammon will be starting school next week. Ammon and Abraham rode their bikes and I pushed Ziya in her stroller to the barber shop. Meet Dave. Yes, he has a mullet. Yes, he has bows, swords, homemande banjos and moose heads hanging in his shop. And yes, somehow, he has won my boys' confidence. Oh, and yes, he has a big lollipop jar!
The boys make no fret about hopping up on his chair and letting him do his thing. He has a cool set of clippers with a vacuum attachment so that as he's clipping away, no hair is falling onto the boys (after many a tear, we discovered that this was Ammon's biggest hangup about haircuts... he's just like his dad - can't stand the itchy hair on his skin!).
We're now one step closer to being ready for school next week!
I wouldn't say this is Ammon's idea of a fun time, but he does volunteer to go first!
My handsome soon-to-be-first-grader!
Before Dave started cutting, Abraham reminded me to tell him about the tree sap in his hair! It's been there for several weeks now, but Abraham never let me touch it. We just had to comb around it every day! He finally let Dave cut it out with scissors so it wouldn't get caught in the clippers.
These are still "cutters" after all!
This is so worth a lollipop!
No haircut for Ziya, but she still loves to smile for the camera!
What fun adventures you have! I'm glad I could at least help with dinner from thousands of miles away. Maybe someday when I'm not pregnant I'll be able to stand the smell of fish again.
Berenice, thanks for the comment on our blog. It is so fun to catch up with people who you knew back in the day, but haven't kept in touch with. I can't believe you guys wound up in Alaska. I can't even imagine what it is like living there. I'm sure it's amazing. What an adventure for you guys. Haircuts are super fun around here, Sam does them for the boys and I am hoping he manages to get haircuts done on the boys before church this morning. We'll have to see. Thanks for checking in...it is so good to hear from you guys.
Cool, I will have to remember Dave when Robert gets some hair...
Hi guys! That story just takes me back to the days when Dax was little and I used to cut his hair! We had to have his "guys" (plastic dinosaurs) there with him for moral support. Also, I gave him lollipops during.....not a good idea. Once I gave him popsicles but that wasn't too great with hair on it! Maybe that's why nowadays he doesn't like haircuts either....
Hey Its the Buckley's wow long time no see or hear from.I'm bad
I did'nt even know you had a little girl. what in the plans for you? are you going to move closer? Stan and Jake would love to come to alska to fish. Htat all stans talks about. He didn't get it book this year. So he and jake went to DC and just got back know I think its mya turn to go some :] tis good to see your smiling faces love ya Denice
Hi Its me again I thought I would give you Venessa blog Brit is working on hers. nessandnate.blogspot.com
We just got back to school cuts too. Dave looks like an interesting guy...my first grader would love him too, especially if he can prevent the itchy neck syndrome!
Hey Bere! It's been so long since I've seen pictures of you guys. You all look great. I was laughing about the tree sap in his hair for weeks and you would just comb around it. Don't you have showers and shampoo up there in Alaska???
Check out my blog sometime: willwhittle.blogspot.com
Take care! Hugs to you all! Miss you mucho!
I was dying laughing about the tree sap too. We call it pitch. I remember getting that stuff in my hair and smelling it for days! I don't love that smell at all so I would sit for my mom to get it out. So funny!
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