The party invitation... we changed the date and location and had the party on his actual birthday. Saturday is supposed to be rainy...

Ammon made a birthday breakfast request... and then he and his siblings posed for pictures. Ymmmm!

We had a BBQ picnic at the park just down the street from where we live. We invited families from our ward. I never did do a head count, but there were lots of kids there. Ammon was in heaven. Whenever I asked him to smile for the camera, he quickly held up six fingers. He said he always wanted to remember that this was the day he had to hold up two hands to show his age!

I wanted to make him a salmon cake, since this was the theme for his party, but I couldn't find one on the internet to copy. So he ended up with a rainbow fish instead (is there such a thing?). He called it his "flounder" cake. The kids loved it. Not only were they eating cake, but it was loaded with skittles and fruit leathers, as well!

After the park, we went to Cunningham Park and fished on the Kenai River. The evening was beautiful. The Dept. of Fish & Game turned down our invitation to come out and give the kids a bit of instruction on fishing (they have no idea the fun they missed out on!). So dear Brother Chadwick took charge and set up pole after pole after pole for the kids. Their instructions were to just leave their line in the water, but many reeled in time and time again. Bro. Chadwick was sooooo patient. We ended the night with zero injuries and lots of happy kids. Hooray! Thanks Bro. Chadwick!

More birthday pictures:
Wow I can't believe he is 6 were pregnant with him when we moved into first ward! Time flies. Congrats on the fishing...those were some monster fish! I am sure "Salmon Ammon" appreciated them :>)
Hi Berenice & Jacob!
It's Ana, Simi & the boys' cousin from L.A.! I don't remember how I got here, but I'm here!
I can't believe how big the kids seems like yesterday, when you both were still dating! The kids are beautiful; hopefully we'll have a chance to see them soon!
Hopefully we'll be able to keep in touch via our blogs...
Ana Malu-Lainaholo
p.s., my blog's:
That is the best birthday theme ever! I am just sorry I wasn't there to help with the cake!
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