I got this in an email from a childhood friend of mine. No wonder we're such good friends... we think alike. I totally laughed out loud... hope you will, too! (click on the image to enlarge if it's too small to read)
Count me in! When people ask "if you were to be any animal what would it be?" I always answer "a bear!" my reasons are a little different but it still made me laugh.
Hey Jacob!! Hi Perenice!! Hi Munyer Family!! This is Malia...I'm part of Jacob's old Tongan family. THe kids are beautiful!! And holy Alaska!!! We have family out there in Anchorage. -Anyhow, I found your blog through 'Ana and had to write. My page is private so I would love to get you folks hooked up to our page!! And vice-versa! I need your email address though...so if you could shoot me an email...that would be great!! My email addy is maliatonga.parkhurst@gmail.com. I hope all is going well in Alaska!!
Too cute!!! Oh, the kids are getting so big and so cute!!!! I can not believe it! It seems like y'all just left a year ago and then I think about it and realize how long ago it realy has been. BIG HUGS!!!
When I first met Jacob, he worked for United Airlines and had some flying privileges that he so graciously shared with me. Several times, we traveled standby together, and we often waited for hours and hours at airports until a flight was available for us. I LOVED it when the desk employee would shout out, "MUNYER, PARTY OF TWO!" not only because it meant that there was space for us on the flight but also because I loved being called MUNYER before we were even married (hee, hee!). Who ever would have thought back in those days so long ago that we would one day become "MUNYER, PARTY OF SIX"! I love it!
Famous Last Words
August 2009 to present day That was funny... maybe I'll blog that!
Count me in! When people ask "if you were to be any animal what would it be?" I always answer "a bear!" my reasons are a little different but it still made me laugh.
That's a funny one!"Bere the Bear" that's your new nickname.
Hey Jacob!! Hi Perenice!! Hi Munyer Family!! This is Malia...I'm part of Jacob's old Tongan family. THe kids are beautiful!! And holy Alaska!!! We have family out there in Anchorage. -Anyhow, I found your blog through 'Ana and had to write. My page is private so I would love to get you folks hooked up to our page!! And vice-versa! I need your email address though...so if you could shoot me an email...that would be great!! My email addy is maliatonga.parkhurst@gmail.com. I hope all is going well in Alaska!!
Take care and Ofa atu...
Malia and Brady :)
LOL. that was cute.
Too cute!!! Oh, the kids are getting so big and so cute!!!! I can not believe it! It seems like y'all just left a year ago and then I think about it and realize how long ago it realy has been. BIG HUGS!!!
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