Kaarin came over just to pick some stuff up that I'd borrowed, and she ended up staying for several hours to take care of Kenai while I packed and cleaned. What a lifesaver she was that day! Ammon and Abraham weren't really into the whole saying goodbye thing, but Ziya was (she's usually a ham in front of the camera anyway!). We spent a lot of time with Sydney, Jason and Katie, and I'm going to miss them. Kaarin was my visiting teacher and my good friend. She was always so willing to help me out in many, many different situations. I'm going to miss her, too.
Ammon and Abraham really, really, really love to ride their bikes. Earlier in the summer, Abraham made the attempt to take off his training wheels, but he said he'd "try it later." While we were packing and cleaning on the day before starting our move away from Alaska, he rode up to us with one training wheel in hand - it had fallen off. He asked us to put it back on for him, but we talked him into just taking off the other one and trying to ride on two wheels. He was a bit nervous and he made me run alongside him... but only for a few seconds because I couldn't keep up! He just took off and never stopped! It was amazing. I had one of those tender pride kind of moments and I teared up as he rode away from me. Just one more evidence that my little boy is growing up, I guess.
June 27, 2009: The Youngs graciously offered to drive me, my mom, Ziya and Kenai to Anchorage, where we would stay in a hotel before flying out on Saturday. We tried really hard to be ready on time, but we just weren't. The final parts of packing and cleaning are the hardest, I'm convinced. When we finally got into their car, we still had to drive to Mardi's apartment to pick up Ziya and so that I could say goodbye to Ammon and Abraham (they spent the morning with Aunt Mardi, Marissa and Victor). After our goodbyes there, we were finally on the road... and Kenai started crying. Usually, the moment his little body hits his carseat, he screams and screams to no avail. The miracle of miracles though, is that he actually didn't cry for too long. This time, he was easily appeased by a little bounce to his seat (thanks Leaca!) or his pacifier (which he normally doesn't take!). After we arrived in Anchorage, Gordon confessed that he'd prayed really hard that Kenai wouldn't cry! It worked (whewww!).
We said our goodbyes in the hotel room. I realize now that we actually didn't say formal goodbyes to many of our friends, and I think I'm glad about that (I just hope that no feelings are hurt anywhwere) because goodbyes are no fun. It's like in a matter of just a few minutes, my mind flooded with all the good that this sweet family (all members of the family) did for us, and it was a bit overwhelming. I think I'm one that likes to reminisce on things like this during my own private moments.
I am grateful though for the Youngs. And I am grateful for the many precious unphotographed friends that we made in Kenai. We've moved several times since we've been married, but this time there is one major difference. I am SO grateful for blogs and for Facebook. I feel like it's going to be easier to stay connected to our friends... and for that, I am also thankful.

bere - i missed the memo - where are you guys moving to?
Wow, you guys have been busy! Kenai is a big little guy, he might pass up Kennady before too long. I hope all is well for you guys with all this craziness!
ooooh I miss that baby.
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