June 16, 2009: My friend Gina was supposed to go out king fishing with Dave Goggia, a wonderful man in our ward who guides during the summer. She was unable to go because of a fall, but with the boat and date available, I somehow was fortunate enough to be able to get on the boat for some final king fishing on the Kenai River with some good friends - Erin, Kristen, Kaarin and Holly. I was unsure how I would be able to do it with a newborn, but Holly graciously agreed to trade off with me spending time on the shore with baby Kenai. It worked out perfectly. I got on the river from 6 to 9 am while Holly hung out at the lodge and actually took a nice nap on a couch with Kenai. Then I went home with Kenai and Holly got to fish for a while longer. No kings were caught that day, but it was great fishing nevertheless. The weather was nice (no rain and not too cold!) and there were lots of eagles out. We also saw a moose. And as always, the company was fabulous. Thanks Brother Goggia and friends!!

June 20, 2009: We picked up my mom at the airport. Her service to us was one that only a mother can give. She used an entire week of her precious vacation time to fly all the way to Alaska, only to be cooped up in our apartment packing, cleaning, holding Kenai, and trying to encourage and calm a very stressed out daughter (me!).
Looking back, I wonder if it could have been any different. We just didn't seem to have any time to do any fun stuff. She joined us for dinner at the Young's, she took one "exploring" neighborhood walk with Jacob and the kids (she loved seeing all the lupine because it's one of my dad's new favorite flowers), she took early morning walks to the store to buy a treat for breakfast (she says she did it for the exercise, but I think it was her way of getting away from us and gathering the willpower to deal with us for the forthcoming day!), and one day, we finally dropped all the work and walked over to Veronica's for a scrumptious lunch.
Like I said, it was a service that only a mother can give... and she did it all without a single complaint! No Homer Spit, no Kenai Fjords, not even a nice dinner - it was just such a crazy busy time. Whenever I tried to apologize to her for all the work she was doing for us, she reminded me that this was the reason she went to Alaska, to help us with the move. This is how my mom operates - she'll do anything for her daughters. I'm forever grateful for her love, her selfless service and for what I learn from her about being a good mother.

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