Leaca took these cool pictures of the kids on the trampoline (look carefully, it's just as fun to see Ziya getting bounced as it is to see the boys doing their flips!).

Jacob is a fabulous father. He knows how to laugh during stressful times (which has been paramount lately!), he loves to play with his children and he always has a new twist on an old game (so it's NEVER boring when he's around!), he knows how to be patient and he knows how to love. It was nice to take a break from all the packing, cleaning and organizing and enjoy some relaxing time in honor of him and so many fathers who have shaped and influenced our lives. I love you, Jacob.
June 21, 2009: It's summer solstice - the longest day of the year. Leaca and Rusty came over sometime after midnight and picked up Jacob so that they could go out and take pictures. It was a cloudy night, so it's hard to appreciate the fact that behind the thick clouds, it really was still light outside! Go figure. At least they had fun driving around. Thanks for the pictures, Leaca (once again!).

June 23, 2009: Grandpa Stephen flew in from Los Angeles for a short Kenai visit and then to drive the Alcan (Alaska Canada Highway) with Jacob and the boys. He stayed with Jacob's sister, Mardi, and enjoyed spending some time with all six of his grandchildren. He was amazed at how light it is late at night and at how late people here stay up! He'll be in a lot more pictures later when we post the pictures of the 6-day long drive to Idaho.
June 25, 2009: Originally, my dad was also supposed to come to Alaska and Jacob booked a fishing trip for himself and the two grandpas as a way to celebrate the grandpa's birthdays (Grandpa Stephen's b-day is June 23 and my dad's b-day is June 24) combined with Father's Day. Well, my dad was unable to come kind of at the last minute (he wasn't feeling his best), so Ammon and Abe were able to take Tito's spot on the boat. They got up at some crazy early hour in the morning, bundled up and headed out for a fishing day with Dave Goggia. They were fishing for king salmon, but once again, the fish weren't biting. They still had a grand time. Ammon got to drive the boat for a while and Abe had a comfy nap hiding inside all of his layers of clothes. The day turned out to be a really nice one and Grandpa Stephen really enjoyed Alaska's grandeur with his son and two grandsons.
Hey...just wanted to let you know that everytime I am in Kenai I see a suburban the same color as yours, I check to see if it is you and everytime it isn't. When do you think I will learn it is never going to be you??? Sure do miss you guys! Take care How's the job search?
We were just talking tonight about when we will be able to go see you guys. We just need to get a job on the Inside and then we can hop a ferry to go see you... and you can do that in return. =]
Thanks for the sweet email. You are the best and I miss you tons. You still feel like family even though you are far away. =]
Thank God for bringing the grandchildren together for a lovely picture. I trust and hope that our Lord will be adding new adventures daily for all six grandchildren.
Love with all my heart.
Little Grams
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