So a few nights ago, when Ammon lost another tooth, I felt kind of sad that there would be no photo to document the exciting event (it's his fourth tooth lost, but every single one has been quite a big deal!). We sat at the dinner table and Ammon started wiggling his very loose bottom tooth. It's another one where the adult tooth broke through before the baby tooth had time to fall out. He's like a shark... with multiple layers of teeth! He sat there wiggling it, grossing us all out because it was just sooooo loose. Jacob encouraged him to push it all the way forward, which he did. Then all the way backward... which he did again. Pop! It came out -- just like that.
Just two nights later, Jacob was cleaning out Ammon's pile of papers that came home from school and he found this picture. He must have drawn it a while back when he lost the two front teeth, but it still says it all! I don't feel sad about not having a photo anymore!
Camera 150.00+ dollars, childs hand drawn picture of himself priceless!
I love the picture! Please congratulate Ammon for me on yet another lost tooth!
oh, Abby will be so jealous. The dentist told her she'd probably six when her first tooth will pop out and she seriously can't wait. i love the picture!
This picture by Ammon is adorable! What a little artist! I like your post about slowing down and listening, I think I really needed to hear that today. Sometimes it's too easy to take these precious little children for granted. Thank You!
OH, I just love the picture!!!! I am sure at first it was heart breaking BUT then when you took the chance to ... change the way you look at the things... the things you looked at changed! What a great moment!
Good day, sun shines!
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