After dinner, we did our Luke 2 reading and re-enactment, and then the kids got to open one present. Unfortunately, they misunderstood and thought that they'd get to open ANY one present... we stuck to our guns and made them open only their pajamas. This wasn't as exciting as the light sabers they knew they were getting (Jacob wrote "To: Jedi Knight in Training" on their gift labels and they figured it out!). There was a tiny bit of disappointment that mami didn't get the sewing done (or even started, for that matter) and the pajamas were purchased and not totally matching each other. But we all survived. We put the cookies and carrot sticks out for Santa, wrote him a brief note and went to bed.
Ammon was up twice during the night. Abraham, on the other hand, walked right past the tree and had no clue what was going on for several minutes. We woke Ziya up and let all the fun begin.
I made a collage, but I also put the exact same pictures in a slide show so that grandmas can snag a few if they want to.
Christmas sounded fantastic! I loved the hats!
Sweet PJs Munyers ;)
Hi Jacob, Berenice, and kids =)
Just wanted to swing by and wish you all THE VERY BEST in 2009!! One day we'll all get to meet up, but until then, we're thankful that this blog can keep us updated. Kudos to Berenice for doing such a wonderful job narrating your adventures. You really make it feel as if we're there ... amazing =) Couldn't help but click on the pictures of the kids ... they seriously are SOOO ADORABLE ... can totally eat them up!! And Berenice, you look absolutely BEAUTIFUL =) ... even in pj's!! And Cousin Jacob, you look GREAT and we're soo glad to see all the FUN that you and your family are having up there. You guys make Alaska look like THE happenin' place =)
Well, thanks for sharing all the FUN w/ us! 'Til next time ...
... love, The Bryants in Bakersfield (Vika & Kelley)
merry Christmas Munyers. and a Happy New Year!
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