I had my first totally positive epidural experience. Actually, it wasn't even an epidural - it was a spinal tap and I LOVED IT!!! This birthing experience was soooo smooth and easy compared to the other three.
I was immediately overcome with emotion when he was born. He's absolutely perfect and the miracle of it all just spilled out of my eyes.
Even though I was half-heartedly wishing he would come a week after his due date of May 15 (for the sake of convenience with our schedules right now), I'm really, really thankful he came when he did... especially since he weighed in at 9 lbs. 4 oz.!!! He could have been 10 or 10 1/2 pounds!
Jacob was a wonderful help throughout the entire day. He kept the mood humorous and light and he knew just what to do to help me. Here he is admiring every little detail - and loving it all!
He loved the first bath... but only for a minute.
Ammon had strep throat earlier in the week, so we made him wear a mask... which meant that Abe needed one, too! They were really cute about meeting their new little brother. They were a bit shy at first, but then loosened up, started asking all their questions and just being wonderful big brothers!
It's still unreal to me. I go to bed with a baby inside my stomach... and now he's out laying on top of me!
Abe's first meeting with Kenai. These two are going to have a special bond. I can feel it already.
Abe loves the story we tell of how when Ammon went to the hospital in Long Beach to meet him, his new little brother for the first time, the first thing he did was lick him! Abe decided that was how he wanted to welcome his own little brother into the world, too!
Ammon's questions were very mature. He was most interested in knowing about Kenai's bubble and he was just a tad disappointed that we didn't save it for him to see.
Ziya was knocked out for most of her first visit.
I think they really look alike - absolute angels, both of them!
I remember when Jacob and I used to fly standby on United Airlines while we were engaged and when we first got married. The employees would yell out, "Munyer, party of two!" when a flight came open that we could jump on. Now we're a party of six. It's hard to believe. I am so blessed.
She finally woke up to meet him. She wasn't too horribly curious. I think he's going to have to grow on her!
Congratulations Jacob and the whole Munyer crew.. Your family is adorable.. Cant wait to actually meet everyone..
Love ya
I am so happy for you! I prayed really hard that he would come early when I heard that he was already measuring 9 lbs last Thurs, I didn't want you to have to birth a 12 pound baby...now you please pray that my labor goes JUST LIKE YOURS!:) Congrats! He is a cute. I am glad I was able to see you and meet Kenai. Let us know if you need anything!!!
Oh he is beautiful and you look radiant! Congrats. I am amazed and in awe-party of 6! Man how time has flown. I can remember you with Ammon and now 4 kids total. What a great family.
Bere, you are amazing. What a beautiful family. I love the name and Kenai looks so sweet. Straight from heaven - it is such a miracle!
Congratulations Bere! He's a beautiful baby, we're very excited for you guys!
Let me know if you need me to take the kids sometime, or whatever I can do to help!
He is certainly a Munyer! Congratulations! I love his little cheeks - they look totally kissable! I LOVE the name! We have considered it if we happen to have another while we live here, but are about to leave.
Congratulations! You have such a beautiful family and we love you all.
Congrats! He is so handsome (Ben says cute is for girls). We miss you guys!
I've been checking your blog occassionally for any sort of news since I knew you were heading toward the end of your pregnancy. I'm glad I stopped in today to read about your great news. Congratulations! That is so exciting. Can't wait for you to get back down here so we can meet him (and the rest of the crew).
Congratulations Munyers! 9 lbs you go girl! Gorgeous!
We have looked at pictures of baby Kenai all day. We're so excited to have a new cousin!! I still can't believe how chubby he is Bere...were you feeding him lots of frijoles??? He looks so sweet. I held a friend's baby last week and it made me think of you:) Tell everyone hi from us!! Congratulations!!!
Congratulations Munyer Faimly~
God has added a new love to your life, his name is Keani. I love him. He warms my heart. I think the world of you Berenice when I saw a beautiful tear run down your face and Keani expressions were mirrored by your expressions. Give my love to the children. Good Job, Son!
Love Mom (Little Grandma)
congrats on your new little man! He is beautiful. Glad he came early for your sake...he is a big kid! What a beautiful family you have.
Isn't it amazing how fast families grow when you just add one. I don't know how we became seven, but here we are. Beautiful boy, good thing he was early. I had one 9 lb 11 oz baby but he was born right on time. Have fun when you bring him home, all too soon they aren't babies anymore.
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