Sunday, July 13, 2008

Happy Fourth of July!

Last year, Jacob took the boys to an overnight "boys' night out" on July 3, so Ziya and I went to the 4th of July city parade by ourselves and then joined them for a BBQ afterwards. This year, we decided to stay in town and discover all the "Kenai" celebrating together. We met up with a bunch of friends from our ward and watched the parade. Ammon and Abraham were actually supposed to walk in the parade with their summer reading library group, but slacker mom and dad slept in and didn't get them there on time! Instead, they dressed up in their bee costumes and cheered really hard when their group walked by!

After the parade, we went to the "strip" (I think that's what it's called) and walked around the booths and exhibits before finding our way to the free hot dogs. The boys particularly enjoyed watching some crazy guys dressed up like knights duke it out like real knights. The best part is that after the duel, Ammon got to go and "whack a knight"... he really wacked his hardest!

After all the in-town celebrating we could handle, we joined the Quiners and the Maws (and later the Youngs) for some good ole' fashioned BBQ'n. Yummy ribs, chicken, salads, and watermelon, of course! We played a really fun word game (can't think of the name of it right now - but it was fun!). Good times were had (tired times, too... I love the picture of Abe sleeping on the couch!).

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