I got a tip that H2Oasis, an indoor waterpark, was having a special admission for kids up to 5 yrs. old. We've been once before and it was loads of fun, but it's also a bit pricy for our budget. Well, for these couple of hours during the day, their admission was only $5.00 and adults were free! Fortunately, I'd packed the kids' swim gear so we took the plunge. Marissa and I rolled up our jeans and sat on the edge with Ziya, who was being very reserved. Ammon and Abraham, on the other hand, dove right in (literally) and played for two hours straight! They did get a few looks from some of the other moms who were in the water with their very young children (yes, Ammon is 6 yrs. old but we didn't conceal this information and the employee let us in anyway!), but I ignored them - my boys were having so much fun! By the time we left, Marissa was also fully immersed in the water (what a great cousin she was!) and had Ziya jumping and splashing and having a super time. My only regret is that we didn't have the camera (Jacob had it with him for his trip).
From there, we tried to join the Maws in going to the Imaginarium, an interactive science type of museum, but two of my three kids fell asleep while we were looking for it! We opted instead to go back to the apartment where we stayed and take a nap. Then it was on to Costco (always an adventure) and back to the apartment for the night. I picked up Jacob late at night and the adventures continued the next day.
Marissa and I got to spend some get-away time at the mall, which was fun, and then we all went to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch and hours of entertainment. This was Ziya's first time where she actually got to play (last time she was there, she was still little in a carseat). Once again, Marissa was a lifesaver in this respect. My big pregnant self was feeling a bit overwhelmed by the trip at this point... so I sat and mustered up energy for WalMart while Marissa entertained Ziya and Jacob played with the boys. Fun times were had! Jacob and the boys spent the majority of their time upstairs playing (or waiting their turn to play) a Star Wars game. Marissa followed Ziya around as she shouted, "Money, money!" and went from game to game (ai, ai, aieee!... what is she learning at such a young age?). She really just loved putting the tokens into the games! I made a quick getaway and did the WalMart shopping across the street... alone! Aaahhh.

Then it was gasing up and heading back to Kenai. We are always amazed at how the Inlet is so different every time we drive the Turnagain. This time, it was all ice chunks. Amazing. Also amazing was the ominous Mount Redoubt reminding us of her then Orange alert (I think it was just two days later that she started her long series of eruptions).
Anyway, it was good to at least get off the peninsula during our spring break... and the kids had lots to share with their friends when we returned!
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