He started his birthday morning with memory loss. He didn't even remember that it was his birthday until Ammon reminded him. Well... then there was no stopping him! It was immediately to the first gifts of the day - all Star Wars, of course! He got an Obi-Wan Kenobi action figure and an outfit to wear for his special day.
That night, we had Mardi, Marissa and Victor over for Abraham's birthday dinner. The menu? Chicken and pancakes! Weird, I know, but this was his request... and he ate all of it!!!
On the 28th, we combined with Abe's little friend Sydney and had a joint birthday party. This is the "Barbie meets Star Wars" invitation I made. Abraham had some reservations about his invitation having Barbie on it and about the whole concept of sharing his party with a girl, but we convinced him that it was alright and he ended up having a fantastic time.

I worked hard to make a clone trooper cake to fit the Star Wars theme of his half of the party. I was pretty proud of my own accomplishment (I should know better!), so I was flabbergasted when I showed Abe the cake at the party and he had a hard time figuring out what it was! I also heard one party guest (an adult female, I should add) wondering if it was a tuxedo of some sort. My only redemption was that the adult males knew exactly what it was. Come on, it even had a voice box on it!!! Anyway, I had fun making it!
The party games were a hit. Abe's extremely talented cousin, Marissa, drew a poster of Anakin Skywalker and the boys played "put the light saber on Anakin" while the girls made beaded bracelets. Then they switched and had a great time all the same!
Anybody who knows Abe knows that Star Wars is an obsession for him right now. So he was ecstatic to find so many new and very cool Star Wars gifts. He got lots of other cool gifts, too (for which I am extremely grateful... since they break the monotony I sometimes feel about S.W.!).
We all had a great week helping Abraham to celebrate his birthday. He is constantly reminding me of all the cool things he can do "because I'm five now, you know!" What a magical age this is for him. I'm grateful for the blessing that this little five-year-old is in my life.
Happy Birthday Abe! I'm impressed Bere - two birthday party's, two birthday cakes - what a lucky boy.
That's funny that he wanted to go to school right away. Ben did the same thing. The day after his birthday he was ready with his backpack and all. It took a while to convince him that it wasn't time for him to start school until after summer. I thought the star wars cake looked great!
Happy Happy Birthday Abraham!!!
I wonder what Darth Vader looked like when he was five?
Little Grandma and Grandpa love you with all our hearts.
Your cake looked WONDERFUL!!
I could DEFINITELY tell what the cake was, and I can't even hear the voice box :>) Happy birthday to your little man! How have you been feeling? Not much longer now...
I wish Abe was going to Kaliedescope too! ;) We're sure going to miss you guys.
Bere I could totally tell that was a Storm Trooper cake! (Of course I'm a big fan) TJ had a blast at the game, and let me know that he didn't want girl cake. I guess that means he ate storm trooper cake too. :)
Too cute, that is the strangest dinner request I have heard! (I do the same thing with my kids)
Abe's party looks like it rocked!! The cake was way cool too! I totally knew what it was before I read about it....so there you go!
What a cool bday... and i knew what the cake was and i'm a girl, too. = ) You'll have to tell Abe that Abby went to disneyland the other day and was trained as a jedi, but when it came time to fight darth vader she cowarded in the back behind the other kids and cried. she was terrified. I know if he was there he would've kicked his booty!
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