Thursday, April 2, 2009

April already?

I hate it when it turns to a new month and I realize that I have soooo much that I didn't post about for the last month. Lots happened for us in March. I've attempted to catch up, but it's now 11:40 p.m. and that 6:30 a.m. alarm I've set is in danger of getting slammed against the wall in the morning if I don't get to bed SOON! So yes, my posts are all very late and very out of order. And I still haven't finished Abe's birthday... but happy April anyway! and happy March-in-the-life-of-the-Munyers reading and viewing!


Heidi Michelle said...

So you guys are moving, eh? How bittersweet! I'm glad it's not until the end of the school year, cause I'll be able to see you guys. And no I won't be back in Kenai until the 15th. School just ends a week from today, but I'm hanging around Utah for a couple days. And as far as the Kenai ward goes, I'm hoping to be there. I need to find a for sure place to live since the area at my parent's is small. If you hear of anyone needing a house-sitter or anything, pass the word along, will ya!? Thanks! Can't wait to see you guys!

nomad family said...

wow I finally found your blog...very cool, great job Bere. And wow you've been in Alaska for 3 years already! Time does go by fast though. We're leaving China already this summer too. I promised Coyo I'd come up to see her...while we're visiting Utah. I miss you guys. And congrats on #4! Awesome! Hey did I tell you about our new baby? Check my blog...Can't wait to catch up and hear all about your adventures and stories. -- Jaimee and the gang

Veronica said...

Bere, nice to catch up with you and your fun adventures!

You just have a darling family!