Before... but oh, soooo loose!
After... he's pretty excited!
About a month ago, I was helping Ammon brush his teeth and I noticed that there was some redness and swelling just inside his bottom tooth line. During the next couple of days, a new tooth erupted... right behind another one. I asked our dentist friend about it and he recommended that we have Ammon wiggle the one in front (which was only slightly loose) every single day so that it would fall out and the new tooth could make its way forward. He also told us to only give it about a month and if it still hadn't fallen out, we should take him in to the dentist to have the loose tooth extracted. We explained all this to Ammon, but even with the "threat" of a tooth extraction, he simply forgot to wiggle that tooth.
Well, the other night I came home to "a huge surprise!" Both boys were so excited to tell me what had happened in my absence. Apparently, they were in a fight over something and Abraham took his foot and shoved it right into Ammon's face... and knocked the tooth loose! Ammon was so happy that he was hardly even mad that he got kicked in the face. He even thanked Abe, who still takes great pride in telling the story! For the rest of the evening and next morning, Ammon wiggled it and wiggled it, but when it was time to go to school, it still hadn't fallen out. He was too nervous to let us pull it out for him - so off to school he went.
When I picked him up after school, the first thing I noticed was that the tooth was gone.
Mami: Hey buddy! (huge excited smile on my face). Where's your tooth?
Ammon: I don't know.
Mami: When did it fall out?
Ammon: I don't know.
Jett: (a passerby) Oh... it was on the floor and another kid in our class found it but then he dropped it again and now nobody knows where it is.
Ammon: Yeah. Maybe I even swallowed it, or something. (most explanations these days end with "or something")
Mami: O.K. then...
So the whole "losing the first tooth" experience kind of turned out to be anticlimactic. There's no tooth to leave for the tooth fairy (Ammon says he's going to write her a letter to explain what happened... I'm curious). And there's not even a big gap to show for the lost tooth (its replacement is very quickly making its way into its permanent home). It's still cute though to hear just a bit of a lisp and to see him tonguing the space every once in a while.
Hey, I found your blog. Cute kids, fun story about the tooth fairy. Mckenzie, my second just lost her first tooth but not near as exciting of a story as Ammon's. Anyway, glad you're doing a blog. Maybe I'll have to start one.
yeah, I had the same problem as Ammon did, with the whole double tooth thing going on. I was such a pansy when it came to getting my teeth out. And they just had trouble getting loose! Perhaps that's what happens when you have a small mouth! How's home?
I think the Tooth Fairy will understand and be willing to drop a dollar or two... even without the tooth to trade... and I think she'd get a great kick out of the story Ammon would have to tell her as well!
Ammon, that's so cool that you lost your first tooth! Acasia has had to write the tooth fairy notes too when the teeth didn't make it home from school too. She's very understanding! Love,Aunt Lili
Hi Munyer family
Cant say how many letters my kids have left through out the years to the toothfairy.. My husband thought we were the only weird ones.. Good to see someone else is just as weird as us.. haha..
Isn't there somthing about an eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth? Im glad he showed maturity and not revenge. It was really a great story to always remember.... by the way sure miss ya all
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