A while back, we made a new "Munyer Family Rule" -- no TV Monday thru Friday night. In some ways (not all), it has made life a lot easier. I don't have to fight with the kids to turn off the morning cartoon and hurry and get dressed for school and the day. And after school, I don't have to fight with Ammon about getting to his homework instead of watching a show. I occassionally use my veto power and make an exception to the rule during the day when it is just Abraham, Ziya and me (it's so much easier to clean floors, for example, when both kids are happily sitting on the couch!).
The kids have learned to look forward to Friday nights, when they usually get to watch a movie. This past Friday night, they really got into it. I think I was in the bedroom or somewhere and when I came out to join them in the living room, this is what I found -- their special movie night setup. Ziya didn't actually last for too long in her designated space -- she preferred to wander on top of her brothers, on sleeping papi's lap, or on top of the laptop with me. It was a fun night -- and a good movie, too (we watched Nim's Island).
Wow, I am totally adopting this idea. It's a good one. We don't have any channels for our t.v. but Zina is constantly asking me to watch a movie to which I am constantly saying, "Not right now." I think a rule would help. What other kid appropriate movies have you guys watched on your "friday movie night?"
ok I just noticed the John and Holly link on your side bar. Would you mind sending me her email address. It's about time they got a blog!! Good work - I"m attributing this to you. :)
actually becca, the “no TV” inspiration came from you. i've always admired how your kids don't watch regular t.v. (I just didn’t give you any credit in my post… but here is the credit where it is due!).
and as far as movie ideas go, i'm the one needing ideas for more good movies. we have some of the Disney and pixar movies (ratatouille, cars, wall-e, toy story, etc.) and the kids enjoy these, but we definitely need new ideas. just in the past two weeks though, they’ve been at other people’s homes and have watched two of those older movies (chitty chitty bang bang is the only one I know the title of) and they’ve totally liked them, which kind of surprised me. I’ll try to get the title of the other one.
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