We had a really fun Halloween. For us, it really started on October 1st when we flipped our calendar page and Ammon realized that it was finally "the month." He and Abraham faithfully counted down every single day.
We made our paper mache spiders. Abraham's is the one that is the most anatomically correct, with a cephalothorax, abdomen, spinnerets, etc., since he made his at preschool and the kids were learning about spiders. We didn't have enough foam balls for Ammon and Ziya's spiders to be so educational. They didn't seem to mind. Ziya's spider has pink polka dots and Ammon's has the "blood eyes!"

We also carved a pumpkin. The boys designed it themselves (it's a two-sided jack-o-lantern so that everybody could participate!) and then it was carved in shifts. Three excited kids and a sharp knife was a bit scary. Even scarier though were my headless boys who wanted to pose with "Jacko."

Abraham and his little preschool (plus siblings) had a party. They performed a cute pumpkin rhyme, participated in a cute story about ghosts who turned different colors (because they ate broccoli, grapes, etc.!), decorated sugar cookies, made a craft and had free play time. He and Ziya both had a super fantastic time. Thanks to Adelle for hosting us!
Ammon had a great time celebrating Halloween at school. He made a harvest house (graham cracker house but decorated harvest style) and a rice krispie pumpkin. The highlight of his day was that his good buddy Creed was also dressed as Darth Vader (Dark v. Darth and lightsaber vs. lifesaver were big debates between them). His other good friends were a knight and a witch. He participated in a parade, too.

After just a tiny bit of outdoor trick or treating (it was only about 25 degrees so they didn't last long), we went to our Halloween social at our Church. Jacob was the MC... he has a great personality for this type of thing. He did a great job. We had some yummy soup and rolls and the kids had fun running around and showing off their costumes for their friends. Our cute little ladybug Ziya actually won the costume contest for her age category. She has a lot of admirers in our ward.
Oh yeah... I kind of dressed up, too. I put a sign on my belly that says "#4" and one on my back that says "Coming May 14, 2009" and I carried around a small trash can. This was our big Halloween announcement. I'll write more about it later! And no, I didn't even take any pictures... how lame, I know.
Well congratulations! The kids look great. I have them posted on my blog too. Ziya looks so sweet.
I love the three amigos too. Those boys, gotta love them.
WHAT!! I can't believe you are pregnant again!! I am SO excited for you...and just a little bit jealous. I keep telling Mark I'm getting baby hungry, but he isn't grouchy wife hungry yet. :) Great great great news!! And your Halloween looked so fun. Ziya probably would have won the costume contest in a paper bag.. :)
Congrats! That is a fun way to announce your pregnancy!
Congrats Bere!! A little bambino so close to your birthday... lucky you! Just think, once that happens, you never age again because you don't celebrate yours, you celebrate theirs!! That is how I stay so young (26 now)!;-) What was the trash can about? --Julia
The trash can was for puking Julia... come on, you've done this! And I like your idea about not aging anymore. Hadn't thought of that advantage... but I'll certainly take it!
O.K., that's when you know that the computer age has taken over....when your family finds out your pregnant on your blog?! Congratulations!!! And you can apologize later....Love,Lili
I just had to share one more thing....the kids were way excited about your announcement and Dax votes for a boy named Jamal or Tyrone. I told him I doubted you would be taking votes but he wanted to vote for something since he's too young to vote in the elections!
CONGRATS!!!! I am so excited for all of you!! You and Jacob are such wonderful parents and this new little blessing sure is lucky to be coming into such an awesome family!!! YEAH!!! Congrats again!! Since I can't have any more children I will live through all of my friends!!! Congrats!! Ok, if it is a girl there will be a package with bows!! wink!!
Congrats! We look forward to another Munyer running around.
funny thing i was just thinking yesterday if you guys were gonna have any more kids. you're gonna have one happy little crew... and a happy little ziya with her very own live dollie... = )
yay! you are having another little one! I was thinking about Ziya today because we were talking about babies in my scripture study class (don't quite know how we got on that subject) and the teacher and someone else said how babies are born bald. Or else they have hair then lose it, but I was like "Not this little girl in my ward back home! She was born with hair and it's never come close to bald!" I"ll show him what's up! Congratulations!!!
congrats congrats congrats!!! I hope your pregnancy goes well and you feel better soon :>)
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