Two weeks ago we spent the entire weekend moving into a new apartment (pictures soon to come... I promise!) Just three or four days later, I had to have not only our new apartment looking spic-n-span, but our old apartment semi-cleaned up as well so a realtor could come and take a look (it's a long story... but the apartment owners where we manage are trying to sell the units as condos and they came to get a feel for the type of work that's being done in the building!). Needless to say, I didn't get a lot of sleep that week. A bunch of boxes that we didn't get a chance to get unpacked had to go into hiding back in a storage closet. My goal this week is to get caught up by unpacking just one box per day. Wish me luck!
I have a book that my little sis highly recommended. It's called Chi Running by Danny Dreyer. Isa claims that she keeps waiting for her knees to hurt from all her running, but they just haven't since she's adopted some of these running techniques. My knees told me I had to give this a try. Anyway, our public library didn't have it so I got it through an inter-library loan program and the book had to come from Washington. For two weeks, I've been telling myself that I must read the book (and read it quickly) because it's due back on the 14th and they're not going to let me renew it. I think I've read about 5 pages... and tomorrow is the 14th! I don't know how I'm going to catch up on this one.
Soccer season started with a fury. Ammon and Abraham are on different teams (Ammon wears a gray shirt and his team calls itself the Bomb Sharks while Abe wears orange and belongs to the Kardinals). This past week, I also babysat for two of my good friends who had to go out of town suddenly. One of the little boys also plays soccer. So in five days' time, I took three little boys and a very active almost-one-year-old to six different games. Saturday was the worst (or was it the best??). Abe had pictures and a game at 10 a.m. Then we came home to eat and went back for our little friend's pictures and game at 12p.m. Then we came home again, rested, ate and went back a third time for Ammon's pictures and game. Here are a few pictures of Ammon and Abe. They're absolutely loving soccer. I need to try to get better pictures. This will be a big part of our lives for the next couple of weeks. I'm glad my boys are on different teams so they can have fun and successes independently of each other... it's going to be fun to stay caught up with all of this.
I'm really enjoying our new apartment. It's completely remodeled and feels sooooo different than our old apartment. I actually enjoy cleaning this one. I clean and it actually looks clean when I'm done (imagine that!!). This is what I have to keep caught up with though... at least she's having fun! Now all of our new toilet paper rolls have been unrolled and re-rolled!
Another one of my catch up goals is this blog. I really want to get back to the point where I'm posting regularly. My new friend Leaca is insisting that this is my Simon Birch and I'd be making a huge mistake to let it go. I think she's right.
One final picture from this past week. One morning, I had five little boys and one little girl to get ready for the day and for school. We all knelt by the door for a prayer before going out and I made them all stay put... I was sooo thankful to have all the backpacks packed, the jackets and shoes on and all hands off each other - I just had to snap a picture. We love our little friends!
Anyway... one of my biggest catching up games is with my sleep. Jacob is now prodding me to go to bed soon. It's only 10pm, but I think I'd better do as he says this time. Today during choir practice, I actually fell asleep in the middle of singing one of our songs. I hadn't done that since college when I made the mistake of taking a Philosophy course at 7a.m. It was quite embarrassing!
Looks like you've had your hands full! I am so glad you are blogging again. Are you all moved in? We have been here over a month and we are still not unpacked! Miss you guys!
I love it! I'm so glad you got into the new apartment. Is it the one at the end of the hall that was supposed to be for the managers? I can't believe you were in charge of all those kids either. You are amazing. Thankyou thankyou for posting!! :)
I'm glad that you got all moved into a new-CLEAN apartment. Cameron says it looks nice and that you guys are happy. Thanks again for feeding my husband! You guys are the BEST!
Wow that must have been a busy week. You are a super mom! I could never imagine having that many kids at one time-we have yet to start with one still!
Hey guys long time no see. The last time I saw you guys was when Ammon was a few days old. I'm not even sure if you remember us. This is Cari and Sam Rath. Alaska huh? Wow. It is fun to catch up on old friends. Check out our blog some time.
You blogged! I love it! Your apartment does look nice. I, like you, find it much easier to clean something that was clean to begin with.
Love the pictures. Those kids are too darn cute!
wow, you are like a super mom! Way to go! It was so fun chatting today, I need to stop by more often for those! Now if I can find it in me to blog more...hmmm!
Glad to see your blog is updated, you were one of my original motivations for starting a blog, so keep it up:)
OH MY GOODNESS!!! I can't believe how big the kids have gotten since we left. They are so adorable. Wow thats all I can say!! But hey what else it new, where did you move and all that fun stuff? Nothing new really here.
Hi Berenice! (sorry, I just re-read this and it's pretty long)It's Allison Folger from the LB1st Ward. I found your blog through a few mutual friends and I just wanted to say hi.How wonderful that you have 3 children now!You have such a beautiful family! I remember one Sunday in Relief Society when we first moved into the LB1st Ward almost 6 years ago (yeah,kinda wish I could say we've moved since then, but not yet)you shared some thoughts about expecting your first baby and expressed your slight feelings of inadequacy and all your hopes to be a good mom to this baby growing inside of you.That really stuck with me-I actually remember thinking about your words when I was pregnant with our daughter (we just have one right now, Lauren.)Guess I've always wanted to tell you that, and thank you for always sharing your testimony so often. I always appreciated hearing your honesty,humility,and faith in the Lord. You were always so spiritually uplifting to be around, wish I could have gotten to know ya better before I went off to Young Women's for 3 years.Your children are blessed to have such faithful and fun parents.
Oh, and tell your husband that my husband Jim says hi and is still the Stake Executive Secretary ;).Hehe. What a nice place you live in too!Take care!
Oh little boys! How fun! That email you sent me was hilarious, I also enjoyed the last picture. Hey I want to read that book too. I just started running after reading a book my sister in law recommended to me. I never new that running could be awesome.
Hey I just saw allison's post and I have been meaning to tell you that there are lots of Long Beach first warders that are on Facebook. Just thought I would mention it.
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