i also thought about writing a "thankful" post for thanksgiving. health, strength, daily food (yes, sing along if you'd like), family, the Gospel, good friends, free rent, a great job, laughter, turkey, girls' night out, goofy knock knock jokes that don't make any sense... all would have been on my top 10 (or top 12). instead, here's a picture of us just before eating with our friends, the Lines family.
i've also been very excited about sharing my newest endeavor... quilting! yes, i, berenice guadalupe munyer, am quilting!!! well, sort of (except that i'm not actually making quilts). i'll bet that my friend krista didn't think that when she hung her stockings this year she would actually change my life. i saw them and the inspiration bug bit me. here are my efforts... still a work in progress but oh, so much fun. as a matter of fact, on my first night of sewing, i just couldn't stop giggling to myself. jacob was at the computer and must have thought i'd gone over the deep end. i just kept giggling... truly tickled at the fact that i was actually quilting. whoever would have thunk! i'm not sure that the stockings will actually get bound before christmas. a stapler or some tape might have to do the job for this year.
i've also wanted to comment about the weather. shouldn't we be able to enjoy some snow? one would think!!! we live in alaska for crying aloud! we've had a couple of different storms, but the snow has only stayed on the ground for a few days each separate time. it's really weird. everybody is talking about how very, very strange it is that it's almost christmas and there is no snow on the ground. the temperatures did drop this week (our highs for the past couple of days have been about 16 degrees)... but still no snow. i've also noticed that we are truly acclimatized. last year with 16 degree weather, we would have worn coats, hats, gloves, scarves, boots... the whole kitten kaboodle, even if it was just to go to the store. but now, we are learning that unless we're actually going to spend some time outside, we are fine to just wear our sweatshirts. amazing. here are ammon and abe enjoying what little snow we've had.
then of course there are the times i've wanted to post just cause i have adorable pictures i want to share. like these:
o.k. so maybe there's a limit to how many pictures you can have on one post... cause i can't seem to add any more. (i'm obviously still learning all the hoops to formatting on a blog). anyway, the adorable pictures i was talking about will be on a separate post.
I love your update, your stockings, your family, and YOU!!! Thank you for giving me an update!! wink!!! So, for Regan's hair bows, dresses, ect..... I make them. Come on down I will teach you. It is easy!!!
Wow, as soon as I saw your quilted stockings I started trying to figure out if I could make some for my family in time for Christmas. Did you use a pattern or just hodgepodge it? They look fantastic. I love them.
Most impressive stockings! I remember letting you use my sewing machine once at a relief society thing and you seemed so timid. I am so impressed with your work. I hope you guys are getting ready to have a Merry Christmas!
it's 1:00 a.m. and i just finished the stockings!!! i'll try to post a picture soon (have to find a place to hang them). becca, no pattern... just krista's stocking to trace the shape and some instructions from her. then a whole lot of trial and error. and merrily, this is the miracle of the whole thing. i've always believed that sewing and other things like that just weren't for me. it's been fun to prove myself wrong.
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