Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

i haven't written my Christmas letter (email) yet (hopefully this will happen soon... maybe it will be a new year's letter!). we've had some fantastically fun several days. on sunday we joined some good friends for a "shepherd's feast" in which we all dressed as kings and shepherds and had a yummy meal on blankets by the christmas tree (i'll try to post a picture of this one later). we also listened to and talked about the story of Christ's birth from the Bible. then on monday we made and enjoyed ethnic foods (tacos and tabouli!) and we stayed up late and opened our presents to and from each other. santa came sometime during the night and that's what we did this morning (tuesday). here's a slide show you can watch of our Christmas celebrating. we love you and hope you're all having an outstanding Christmas, too.


Cynthia Ann Morgan said...

We really enjoyed this...thank you! Merry Christmas to you all and lots of hugs and kisses to the kids

Cynthia, Pam and Angel

Thomas Family said...

Well that nearly made me cry - we miss you guys. Sounds like you had a great Christmas. That stockings turned out fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Hey Bere,
I had to see it to believe it. Ay, ay, ay. So domestic you have become. I'm proud of you. Maybe someday when you come back you can share all your new talents with me! Your collage is beautiful. love,

munyer jerk chicken said...

i write this blog not only as a therapy for myself, but also as a way to keep connected to so many who are so far away. i'm glad to see that one of my sisters has finally looked at it. thanks isa!!! this made me feel good. i hope you'll keep checking it every once in a while!
p.s. i'm glad you can't see the details of my sewing projects in the pictures. you might not be so impressed.
p.p.s. maybe you should start a blog???

bm said...

Wow! I felt like I was there with you on Christmas morning. The kids are getting so big, and you could see the excitement they felt. Thanks for including me in on your family blog.
Wish I knew how to create a blog like this. It is great.
Much love to each of you,
Mary and family

bm said...


Muchisimas gracias por compartir estas fotos navideñas tan bonitas. No me canso de verlas. Como me gustaria estar junto a ustedes. Con amor.

Tu ma.